Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit
(vitae spiritualis ianua), and the door which gives access to the other sacraments.
Through Baptism, we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become
members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission:
"Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water and in the word."
-Catechism of the Catholic Church
We celebrate with you the gift of life you have received in your child. Just as you will provide for the best of life's opportunities for your child, we rejoice that it includes providing the best for their spiritual life that begins in the Sacrament of Baptism. We have provided this information to assist you in preparing for the celebration of the sacrament, and the baptism life of your child. Congratulations again!
Some Requirements for the Celebration of Baptism
• By Church law, a priest or deacon can only celebrate the baptism of an individual who is a part of the parish family they are called to shepherd. Registration with Saint Anne Parish is, therefore, a required first step if it has not already occurred.
• For families who have moved or recently registered with the parish, a letter must be obtained from their former parish indicating that they are practicing Catholics.
• For families from other parishes communities who wish to have the baptism take place here, a letter of permission from their own parish community is required.
• Parents must attend religious instruction ("catechesis") from the Church concerning the responsibilities of Catholic parenting. We offer this instruction at Saint Anne Parish on a regular basis.
• Baptismal dates are scheduled after the catechesis has been attended. This helps to avoid postponements due to complications that could prevent parents from being able to attend the scheduled catechesis.
About Parental Responsibilities
• By Church requirement, parents must give their assurance that the child will be given every benefit of Catholic upbringing. The responsibility of raising the child in the ways of the faith begins immediately with Baptism and extends all the way to adulthood.
• If parents are not able to make this commitment to the Church community, they should consider delaying the celebration of baptism until they are prepared to undertake these responsibilities.
About Choosing Godparents
• Godparents are chosen by the birth parents to assist them in their Christian parenting. They should, therefore, be models of Christian faith and examples of prayer, worship and Christian practice.
• The Church does not require two godparents. When there are two, however, there can be only one godmother and one godfather. Only one of the godparents needs to be a Catholic. The other must, however, be of the Christian faith and be active in that faith. The Catholic godparent(s) need to have been confirmed and be practicing members of the Church.
• If godparents are chosen who are not members of Saint Anne Parish, whether they are Catholic or otherwise, we require that each godparent obtain a letter from their pastor stating that they are members in good standing of their church.
When are Baptisms Celebrated?
Baptisms are celebrated by appointment and only after the parents have completed the baptismal catechesis program. This can be done by contacting the Parish Office at 603-329-5886. The Office Staff will assist you in scheduling your Catechesis, and upon completion, the date of the baptism.