Pastor | Fr Marc Gagne |
Retired Priest Assistant | Fr John Carroll |
Pastoral Associate | Deacon Bill Mullen |
Permanent Deacon | Deacon Terry Sullivan |
Administration & Human Services | Mrs. Paula Smith |
Confirmation/Youth Ministry (Jr & Sr) | Mrs. Joan Virga |
Coordinator of Rel. Ed (Grades 1-8) | Mrs. Pam Walsh |
Rel. Ed. Facilitator/Records | Mrs. Cheryl Gottwald |
Secretary of Pastoral Services | Mrs. Maureen Johnson |
Building and Grounds/Maintenance | Mr. Paul Comeau |
Director of Music/Adult Choir | Mrs.Joan Virga |
Youth Choir | Mr. Eric Sinitski |
Children's Choir | Mr. Eric Sinitski |
Altar Servers | Mrs. Gretchen Vaillancourt |
Baptismal Preparation | Deacon Bill Mullen |
Coordinator of Ministries Schedules | Deacon Terry Sullivan |
RCIA/Christian Initiation of Adults | Mr. Dana Phillips |
Safe Environment Coordinator | Ms. Nancy DeFilippo |
Eucharistic Minister Ministry | Ms. Joan Lannon |
Lector Ministry | Mr. Sal Gioe |
Usher Ministry | Mr. Jim Molloy |
Greeter Ministry | Mr. Jim Molloy |
Hospitality Ministry | Mrs. Bev Faro |
Food Pantry/Outreach Ministry/Heaven's Kitchen | Mr. Jim Carey |
Knights of Columbus/Grand Knight | Mr. Tom Donovan |
Pastoral Council Chair | Mrs. Deb Fitzgerald |
Parish Finance Council Chair | Mr. Peter Hess |